
Jacques Maritain and G.K. Chesterton
on the State of the World

Dr. Rizzi has pointed out that Chesterton and Maritain have things to teach us about our world that point to the essential nature of the work of the Institute for Advanced Physics. Here are some of the key points; see his Science Before Science: A Guide to Thinking in the 21st Century for more.

"The trouble with the modern disputant [each one of us] ... is that he does not understand the case for his own convictions. He has never gone back far enough in his own argument; and he has forgotten the very nature of first principles. First principles are the very last principles he is likely to think about ."
- Chesterton (in the Illustrated London News, Nov. 4, 1933)

For man, the first principles are the first physics given in A Kid's Introduction to Physics (KIP). KIP includes, for the first time, the full first physics and also includes, for the first time, the nature and basics of modern physics.

Who, outside IAP, even knows that those first things Chesterton speaks of are physics? Effectively no one! How true Chesterton's words are! More true than even he knew!

It is essential to read the (KIP) book and talk to someone from IAP who can help you digest and connect these principles to your everyday life.

Otherwise, we will remain the modern disputant that Chesterton decries.

Take this opportunity to commit yourself to learning the foundations. Visit our site and browse around to find things that might be of interest to get your thinking back to fundamentals. In particular, our Physics and Culture Magazine articles do just this; they take you from the foundational physics to some high level issue, for example Church teaching on morality or answering atheists. Physics and Culture Magazine

We encourage you to form study groups and to contact IAP if you have questions or need assistance in learning the material; the material requires community.

Also, in order to give you more of the same in areas that might be particularly helpful and interesting to you, Dr. Rizzi would like to know what you would like to see him write about. Anything that you do not understand well or have questions about or don't know how to talk about, please let us know. Please send topics of interest to gro.bewpai@ofni

Maritain gives us a clear warning. He wants to wake us up! He comments on the empiriological mindset and the narrow rule centered way of living that comes out of that mindset. We have been building that mindset and way of living at an ever-increasing rate for the last four hundred years (i.e., the dawn of the scientific revolution). He speaks of the growing pressure between our system-building world view and our own true nature and needs. He speaks of how that pressure strains our very selves to such a point that:

"it is quite believable that the shape of this world will pass away on the day that this tension becomes so great that our heart will break."
- Jacques Maritain (Degrees of Knowledge)

Let's heed Chesterton's advice and Maritain's warning. Begin to learn the basic physics to begin to transform yourself so that you may be part of transforming the world. Remind us all that Truth is our final end by making choices that reveal that knowing first principles is of primary importance to you.

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