The Institute for Advanced Physics

Summer Picnic

please join us as we welcome

philosopher Fr. Benedict Ashley of St. Louis, Mo

and our graduate interns John Halpine and Steven Titus

Sunday, June 22     12:30pm

lunch provided

please bring cold non-alcoholic beverages and ice

please RSVP by Wednesday, June 18

(number of adults and children)  or  (225) 667-0244




Independence Park

Baton Rouge

7500 Independence Blvd.


Exit I-12 onto Airline hywy North.  Left onto Goodwood;  Right onto Airport Ave.

meet at the playground on the corner of Independence Blvd. (also known as Government St.)

and Airport Ave.

Rain Location


St. Agnes Catholic Church

Baton Rouge

749 East Blvd.; Cafeteria


Exit 110 at  Government Street

Left two blocks to East Boulevard

Left onto East Street; Church three blocks on left  (Independence Blvd. becomes Government Street)